Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Christmas Tree & Other Things...

It was fun getting a tree with Penny this year, she seemed to understand more what it was about. She kept saying - "oh, look!"

She's been playing with crayons and decided to leave one in her pocket for the washing machine and dryer to "play" with. All of her clothes have blue streaks all over them and the dryer was dyed blue. So I put her to work...
She's also been into playing with her dolls. She likes to line them up and put blankets on them...

Penny and Addi got to play in some "snow". At one of the shopping centers they brought in a bunch of snow. There was a looong line and they let in 100 people at a time for ten minutes. By the time we got our turn the snow was super compacted and slick. Bummer. But they had fun anyways...

Another day we were at The Great Park and they enjoyed playing on the empty playground and giggled the whole time..

Monday, December 3, 2012

Rainy Day Fun...

As it has been raining the past few days i've had no problem letting Penny play outside for a bit and get some energy out...